Unsere PIs
Das Netzwerk von terahertz.NRW wird von einem interdisziplinären Team aus führenden Wissenschaftler*innen und Expert*innen der Terahertz-Technologie geleitet. Gemeinsam treiben wir Forschung und Entwicklung auf globalem Niveau voran.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
E-Mail: ilona.rolfes@rub.de
Website: etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/hfs
Research Interests: High Frequency and, Terahertz Systems, Material Characterization, Radar Systems, Sensing Systems, Imaging Systems
Highlights: Member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, acatech
Member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
Outstanding Young Engineer Award der IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society
Research Stays: Grenoble (France), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization, Environmental Monitoring
Institute of Integrated Systems
E-Mail: nils.pohl@rub.de
Website: etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/insys
Research Interests: Millimeter-Wave, Terahertz, Radar, Integrated Circuits, System Design
Highlights: 2023 ITG Award of the Information Technology Society in the VDE (ITG)
2018 IEEE MTT-S Outstanding young engineer award
2013 Karl-Arnold Price from the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization, Material Characterization, Medical Technology, Environmental Monitoring
Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenzsysteme
2017 Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Dr.-Ing.
E-Mail: jan.barowski@rub.de
Website: etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/hfs
Research Interests: Millimeterwaves / THz-waves, Radar Imaging, Material Characterization, Signal Processing, Measurement Techniques
Highlights: Best Paper Award in IEEE Antennas & Propagation Letters 2023
Best Paper Award in IEEE Sensors Letters 2023
Doctoral Research Award IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society 2016
Research Stays: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization, Material Characterization
Photonics and Terahertz Technology
E-Mail: carsten.brenner@rub.de
Website: etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ptt
Research Interests: Terahertz Technology, Semiconductor Lasers, Material Characterisation, Signal Processing
Highlights: Winner of Optica Simulight Optics Challenge 2024
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization, Medical Technology
Chair for Microsystems Technology
PhD at Universität Dortmund (Hochfrequenztechnik), Prof. Dr.-Ing.
E-Mail: martin.hoffmann-mst@rub.de
Website: etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/mst
Research Interests: THz and optical waveguides on silicon, RF MEMS, Microactuators, Passive sensing systems
Highlights: Industrial background
Research Stays: TU Ilmenau, Director of IMN MacroNano
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization, Environmental Monitoring
Photonics and Terahertz Technology
1994, Prof. Dr. rer.nat.
E-Mail: martin.hofmann@rub.de
Website: etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ptt
Research Interests: Semiconductor lasers, Terahertz Technology, Optical Imaging, Laser Technology, Spin-Optoelectronics
Highlights: Kaiser-Friedrich-Research Award 2003
Innovation competition „Medizintechnik“ of the BMBF 2006
Reinhart Koselleck Project “Electrically injected spin-vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for ultrafast data communication” 2022
Research Stays: University College Cork, Ireland, Tele Danmerk Research, Hoersholm Denmark, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Rome, Italy
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization, Environmental Monitoring
Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Neurotechnology, medical faculty
PhD from Georg-August University Göttingen
E-Mail: christian.klaes@rub.de
Website: www.klaeslab.de
Research Interests: Recording neural data using THz, Brain Computer Interfaces, VR, Medical AI
Highlights: 2016 Emmy Noether award, DFG.
Research Stays: Caltech, USA
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Medical Technology
Lehrstuhl für Molekulargenetik und Physiologie der Pflanzen
University of Oxford, UK. Prof. Dr.
E-Mail: ute.kraemer@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Website: mgpp.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Research Interests: Genome-enabled functional genomics, Molecular and cell biology, Plant physiology, Ecology and evolutionary biology
Highlights: ERC Advanced Grant (2017 call)
Member of the German National Academy of Science Leopoldina (2021)
Thomson Reuters ‘Highly Cited Researcher’, Plant & Animal Science (2014/15/16)
Research Stays: (University of Oxford (UK), Rutgers University, AgBiotech Center(USA),
University of Bielefeld, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant
Physiology Golm, University of Heidelberg
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Environmental Monitoring
Lehrstuhl für Elektronische Schaltungstechnik
1999, Ruhr University Bochum, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Research Interests: Radar, Electronic Circuit Design, Microwave to Terahertz, Frequency Synthesis, Electronic Tomography Systems
Highlights: EEEfCOM-Innovation Award, Radio Tec
Karl-Arnold-Award of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts
European Radar Award of the European Microwave Association
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization, Material Characterization
Photonics and Ultrafast Laser Science
Prof. Dr.
E-Mail: clara.saraceno@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Website: puls.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Research Interests: Laser Sources, Terahertz Science and technology, Nonlinear optics, Ultrafast Optics, Sensing and Imaging
Highlights: High power lasers
High-power broadband Terahertz sources
Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Lehrstuhl für Medizintechnik
Dr.-Ing. from Ruhr-Universität Bochum
E-Mail: georg.schmitz@rub.de
Website: mt.rub.de
Research Interests: Biomedical imaging, Terahertz imaging, Image reconstruction, Ultrasound imaging, Image and signal processing / AI
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Institute of Microwave Systems
Dr.-Ing. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Ruhr
University Bochum, Germany, Topic „Novel sensor concepts for plasma
E-Mail: christian.schulz-hfs@rub.de
Website: etit.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/hfs
Research Interests: Radar Technology, Sensors Design, 3D EM Simulations, Antenna Design, Plasma Diagnostics
Highlights: 2022 European Radar Conference Price
2016 Gert Massenberg Award
2016 CST® University Publication Award
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Environmental Monitoring
Digitale Kommunikationssysteme
Dr.-Ing. From TU Berlin
E-Mail: aydin.sezgin@rub.de
Website: dks.rub.de
Research Interests: 6G communications, Sensing & Sensing Security, Terahertz, Non-destructive testing, Physics-based machine learning
Highlights: Emmy-Noether-Research Grant
Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC 2019
Research Stays: Stanford University, University of California Irvine
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Analytische Chemie II, Elektrochemie und Nanoskalige Materialien
PhD Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
E-Mail: kristina.tschulik@rub.de
Website: nanoec.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Research Interests: Nanomaterial syntheiss and characterization, Electrocatalysis, Electrochemical Sensing, Spectro-electrochemical Mmethod development, Confinement effects in chemistry
Highlights: Development of Laser-induced nanoparticle synthesis
Lehrstuhl für Elektronische Schaltungstechnik
2024, Ruhr University Bochum, Dr.-Ing.
Research Interests: Radar, Microwave to Terahertz Systems, Integratd Circuits, Frequency Synthesis, Phase Noise
Highlights: 1st place International Microwave Symposium 2023 Three Minute Thesis Competition
Co-recipient EuMIC 2021 Best Student Paper Award
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Digitale Signalverarbeitung
Gerhard-Mercator Universität Duisburg, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
E-Mail: thomas.kaiser@uni-due.de
Website: dsv.uni-due.de
Research Interests: THz systems, RFID systems
Highlights: Speaker of the Collaborative Research Center “Mobile Material
Characterization and Localization by Electromagnetic Sensing“ 2017-2028
Research Stays: Postdoc scholarship at University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, USA, 1995-1996
Visiting professor at Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, 2005
Visiting professor at Princeton University, Princeton, USA, 2007
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Allgemeine und Theoretische Elektrotechnik (ATE)
PhD from ETH Zürich
E-Mail: daniel.erni@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/ate
Research Interests: RF/THz engineering, (nano) photonics, Computational electromagnetics, Bioelectromagnetics, Science and technology studies (STS).
Highlights: Winner of the APMC 2023 Microwave Prize
CST University Publication Award 2013
Fellow of The Electromagnetics Academy
Research Stays: ETH Zürich, Institut Fresnel (CNRS und Universié Aix Marseille
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Environmental Monitoring
Nachrichtentechnische Systeme
Ruhr Universität Bochum, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
E-Mail: jan.balzer@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/nts
Research Interests: THz-TDS, THz SAR Imaging, THz Biosensors, Insect monitoring
Research Stays: 2023 University of Adelaide
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Environmental Monitoring
Institute of Technology for Nanostructures
E-Mail: niels.benson@uni-due.de
Research Interests: Printable materials for Signal Processing Applications, Thin Film and 3D-Printed Technologies, Disordered Semiconductors, Charge Carrier Transport, Flexible Electronics
Highlights: Startup – airCode
Printable Si Diodes operating at frequencies > 5GHz
Additively Manufactured Ceramic Technology for THz applicatons
Research Stays: University of Tsukuba, University of Waterloo, National Research
Council Ottawa, Canada
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Medical Technology
Nachrichtentechnische Systeme
TU Darmstadt, Prof. Dr.-Ing.
E-Mail: andreas.czylwik@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/nts
Research Interests: Radio communications, Beamforming, Terahertz frequency applications, Technical security systems
Highlights: Fred W. Ellersick Prize 2015 of the IEEE Communications Society
Chairman of the European Society of Automatic Alarm Systems (EUSAS)
Research Stays: NTT DoCoMo, Yokosuka, Japan
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Environmental Monitoring
Digitale Signalverarbeitung
PhD from UDE Duisburg
E-Mail: mohammed.el-absi@uni-due.de
Website: www.dsv.uni-due.de
Research Interests: Wireless Communications, Artificial Intelligence, Localization, 6G wireless technology and applications, Signal Processing
Highlights: DFG Mercator Fellow (2017)
Summa Cum Laude in PhD (2015)
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Institute of Medical Technology Systems
Dr. rer. nat. from University of Bremen
E-Mail: elsa.kirchner@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/smt
Research Interests: Neurophysiological Data Analysis, Brain, Computer Interface, Human Robot Interaction, Rehabilitation Robotics, Medical AI
Highlights: Best Practice Project – NoGravEx
Best Student Paper Award for supervised PhD student
Best Teacher Awards
Research Stays: “Stiftung Familie Klee” award for a one-year research stay at MIT (Cambridge, USA) with Prof. M.A. Wilson at the Center of Learning and Memory, Department of Brain and Cognitive Science.
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Medical Technology
Bauelemente der Höchstfrequenzelektronik
PhD from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
E-Mail: nils.weimann@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/bhe
Research Interests: THz components, InP and GaN epitaxy and device technology, Resonant Tunneling Diodes and Heterojunction, Bipolar Transistors
MMIC design, Module and Package technology
Highlights: General Chair, 2024 German Microwave Conference in Duisburg
IEEE MTT TC-21 Committee Chair, Terhahertz Systems and Applications
Research Stays: UDE; Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Berlin; Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ;
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Environmental Monitoring
Human-Centered Computing and Cognitive Science
E-Mail: nicole.kraemer@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/sozialpsychologie
Research Interests: Human Technology Interaction, Trust in Technology, Technology Acceptance, Communication of technology attributes, Human Robot Interaction
Highlights: Expert in experimental Research
20 years of high-impact publications in Human Technology Interaction
Numerous third party projects on Human Technology Interaction
Research Stays: 2002/2003 Cambridge University
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Medical Technology
Universitätsbibliothek, Research Data Services
Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
E-Mail: stephanie.rehwald@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/rds
Research Interests: Research Data Management, Information Science, Open Science
Highlights: Fellow Helmholtz Graduate School “Biosoft”
Head of Landesinitiative fdm.nrw, Co-Author “FDM Landeskonzept NRW”
Erasmus+ network “EuDaNOS”
Research Stays: University College Dublin, Ireland
Allgemeine und Theoretische Elektrotechnik (ATE)
PhD from UDE
E-Mail: andre.rennings@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/ate
Research Interests: Theoretical, applied and computational electromagnetics, Antennas in general, on-chip antennas, Near-field probes, also active, Field-based measurement systems, RF coils for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Highlights: APMC 2023 Microwave Price
Best Paper Award, UCMMT 2017
VDE Promotionspreis
Research Stays: UCLA, IMST
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Environmental Monitoring
1986 Universitätsklinikum Hamburg
E-Mail: dirk.schadendorf@uk-essen.de
Website: hautklinik.uk-essen.de
Research Interests: Tumor biology, Tumor immunology, Melanoma etc.
Highlights: Fleur-Hiege Memory prize, Wilhelm-Warner-Foundation Prize for Cancer research, German Cancer Award (DKG)
Research Stays: Max Planck Institute Berlin, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York
Research area within terahertz.NRW:
Research Interests: Automatic fire detection, Broadband microwave and THz analyses for fire and security applications, Scattered light simulation and measurement, Aerosol analysis
Highlights: Secretary of the European Society for Automatic Alarm Systems
e.V. (EUSAS e.V.)
Member of vfdb Section 14: Technical fire protection systems
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Environmental Monitoring
Institute of Digital Signal Processing
Dr.-Ing. degree from the Universität Duisburg-Essen
E-Mail: fawad.sheikh@uni-due.de
Website: dsv.uni-due.de
Research Interests: 6G THz Communications, THz Monitoring for Life Sciences, Ray-Tracing based Algorithms, Computational Dosimetry Studies on Humans and Insects (RF to THz), THz Human Phantoms & Absorbers
Highlights: CEO, The Mobile THz Company (StartUp)
Financial Chair, IEEE ICM²TS Conference
Certified Project Management Professional (since 2011)
Research Stays: University of Southern California, University of Glasgow, UAE University
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Environmental Monitoring
Department of Optoelectronics
1997, Prof. Dr.
E-Mail: andreas.stoehr@uni-due.de
Website: www.uni-due.de/oe/de
Research Interests: InP/SiN Photonic, Photodiodes and Lasers, Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC), THz Communications, THz Radar and Imaging, Radio Frequency over Fiber
Highlights: Founder & CEO of Microwave Photonics GmbH
Co-Chair Center for Semiconductor Technol. and Optoelectronics (ZHO)
Terahertz Photodiodes
Research Stays: Corning Incorporated, NY, USA and NICT, Tokyo, Japan
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Medical Technology
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenzsysteme in der Kommunikationstechnik
University of Heidelberg (1999), Prof. Dr.
E-Mail: ullrich.pfeiffer@uni-wuppertal.de
Website: ihct.uni-wuppertal.de
Research Interests: RF/THz engineering, THz electronics, CMOS Sources, Analog Circuit Design, High Speed Communication
Highlights: Two-time winner of the “Jan Van Vessem Award for Outstanding
European Paper“ at IEEE ISSCC
Member THz research network at University of Wuppertal
Grantee H2020-EU.1.1. – EXCELLENT SCIENCE – European Research
Council (ERC) advanced grant
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Medical Technology
Chair of Smart Sensor Systems
PhD from University of Regensburg
E-Mail: dneumaier@uni-wuppertal.de
Website: lpmss.uni-wuppertal.de
Research Interests: Two-dimensional Materials, Thin-Film Technology, THz detectors, Memristors
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Organic Functional Molecules
PhD from Sorbonne Université Paris
E-Mail: delaittre@uni-wuppertal.de
Website: orga-funct-macromol.uni-wuppertal.de
Research Interests: Macromolecular Chemistry, Sustainable Chemistry, Nanomaterials, Surface Functionalization, Biotechnology
Highlights: Polymer Chemistry (RSC) Emerging Investigator 2020
Prize of the Dr. Otto Röhm Foundation 2018
Research Stays: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Environmental Monitoring
Fraunhofer IMS
Business Unit Health / Dep. of Electronic Components and Circuits
PhD from University of Freiburg
E-Mail: ullrickarsten.seidl@ims.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests: MEMS/NEMS, Smart Sensor Systems, Biosensors, Neural Implants, Biosignal Processing
Highlights: Klee Award for Young Scientists in Biomedical Engineering
President of German Society in Biomedical Engineering
Red Dot Award / Bosch Innovation Award for Bosch Vivalytic
Research Stays: Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore / USA)
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Medical Technology
Research Interests: Localization systems, Localization systems, Photonic ICs (PIC)
Research Stays: Fraunhofer IMS
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Dr. from University Düsseldorf
E-Mail: anna.schall-giesecke@ims.fraunhofer.de
Website: ims.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests: Semiconductor manufactoring, THz system, Photonic integrated circuits (PICs)
Research Stays: Fraunhofer IMS
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Research Interests: CMOS Technologein und Bauelemente, MEMS Technologien für Sensorik, Photonische integrierte Schaltungen (PICs)
Research Stays: University of California Santa Barbara
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Fraunhofer FHR
Bereichsleiter Industrielle Hochfrequenzsysteme (IHS)
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
E-Mail: dirk.nuessler@fhr.fraunhofer.de
Website: fhr.fraunhofer.de/de/bereiche/Industrielle-Hochfrequenzsysteme-IHS
Research Interests: Terahertz Systems for Industrial Applications, Integrated Circuits and Sensor Systems, Industrial Measurement Technology, Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Imaging
Executive Director
Dr.-Ing. from RWTH Aachen University
E-Mail: peter.knott@fhr.fraunhofer.de
Website: fhr.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests: RF, Microwave and Terahertz Engineering, Antenna Arrays and Beamforming, Radar System Design and Signal Processing, Applications of Radar in Defence, Security, Traffic and NDT
Highlights: Chair of Radar Systems Engineering at RWTH Aachen University
Co-Organiser of International Radar Symposium IRS since 2017
Member-at-Large in NATO/STO Sensors and Electronics Panel
Research Stays: Medical Systems Lab, Univ. of Wales / College of Cardiff, UK
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Environmental Monitoring
Research Interests: RF Frontend engineering: microwave to THz, Metasurfaces, Satellite communications, Radar applications, Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)
Highlights: Winner of APMC 2020 Antennas Prize
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Antennas & Frontend
PhD from RWTH Aachen
E-Mail: thomas.bertuch@fhr.fraunhofer.de
Website: fhr.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests: Antennas, Computational Electromagnetics, Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Electromagnetic Material Characterization
Research Stays: Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Integrated Circuits
PhD from Ruhr-University Bochum
E-Mail: christian.bredendiek@fhr.fraunhofer.de
Website: fhr.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests: Integrated Circuits, mmW/THz Circuit Design, RF Concepts for Radar, Sensing and Communication, MMIC Semiconductor technologies for RF/mmW/THz
Highlights: Best Paper Award European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference
2012 (EuMIC) as Author
Co-Recipient Best Student Paper Award EuMIC 2021
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Industrielle Hochfrequenzsystem
Dr.rer.nat. (Universität Stuttgart, 2015)
E-Mail: andre.froehly@fhr.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests: Radar-Signalverarbeitung, Materialcharakterisierung, Radarbildgebung, Bildverarbeitung
Research area in terahertz.NRW: Material Characterization
Integrated Circuits
Dr.-Ing. from RUB
E-Mail: dominic.alexander.funke@fhr.fraunhofer.de
Website: fhr.fraunhofer.de
Research Interests: SiGe MMICs, mmW and THz Radar, THz sensing and communication, low power CMOS circuits
Highlights: Best Paper award at ICECS 2016
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization
Research Interests: Integrated circuits and sensor systems
Highlights: 2009 Stellenbosch University Vice-chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
2008 und 2009 Faculty of Engineering Student Council’s Honorary President by invitation from Engineering Student Council
2009 IEEE EMC Chapter Founder’s award for founding a joint AP-MTT and EMC chapter
E-Mail: ruben.thill@fhr.fraunhofer.de
Integrated Circuits
PHD from Heinz Nixdorf Institute University Paderborn
Research Interests: Millimeter wave to terahertz integrated circuits, Integrated circuits for bio-medical applications, Joint communication and sensing, Mixed signal integrated circuits, Cryogenic circuits and systems
Highlights: 2023 IEEE Microwave Prize Award
Research Stays: IHP, Fraunhofer FHR
Research area within terahertz.NRW: Communication & Localization
Material Characterization